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SHRI R.K.KAPOOR IS A RENOWNED ASTROLOGER, JYOTISH VISHARAD. A GOLD MEDALIST, of Astro Consultant & Research Center, undertakes astrological consultations as per the Parashara System and the Astrology, based on the 'LAL KITAB', specialises in horoscope matching, besides advising effective remedies including wearing of gem-stones and remedial measures of the 'LAL KITAB' for solving the problems of marital discard, childlessness and business set-backs, etc. and any other problems. He is a disciple of Dr. K.S. Charak, M.B.B.S, M.S (Surgery), FRCS, Jyotish Visharad, master of Astrology, author of many books on astrology, Editor of a famous magazine, "The Vedic-Astrology" based on Parashara System. Dr. K.S. Charak was a lecturer for teaching astrology in an institution . Shri Kapoor also undertakes teaching courses in Astrology through E-mail. Shri Kapoor is widely known due to his participation in National and International Astrological conferences, where he has been awarded the titles of Jyotish Shiromani, Jyotish Martand , Jyotish Samrat and a Gold Medal. How far the above statement is correct, can be guaged from his articles published in different magazines like 'Astrology - The Soul of All' etc. To get astrological advice from Shri kapoor, the following data is required from the person, who requires the advice :
The person born in countries other than India, Nepal, Pakistan, Sri Lanka, Bangla Desh, Bhutan, also need to give the summer/wartime corrections in time.
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